
How to support the Abegweit UELAC Branch of Prince Edward Island and the UELAC 

Become a member and volunteer your skills for the newsletter, genealogy assistance for certificate applicants, conduct original research, fundraising for various projects, organizing social activities. 

Donate to the UELAC Annual Scholarship Challenge. These scholarships are awarded annually to Master’s and PhD students who are undertaking a program in relevant research. This topic should further Canada’s understanding of the Loyalists and our appreciation of their influence on Canada, or that of their immediate descendants. 

Help develop a unique Prince Edward Island based Loyalist history recognition program. 

  • Develop program parameters to recognize places of historic United Empire Loyalist significance on Prince Edward Island.  
  • Conduct project evaluation based upon historical significance, contribution to communities or society, and prioritization for funding for a heritage plaque or other method of commemoration. 
  • Create commemorative plaque design and determine suitable supplier. 
  • Develop a funding proposal using traditional and current digital fundraising avenues. 
  • Promote the plaque installation as a place of historical significance.  

To discuss donation possibilities for Prince Edward Island Loyalist causes, contact <>.

a United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada site